Hertfordshire Career Accelerator

Break out from the status quo

Core Program

Aligns you with real-life personal and professional skills

Students/Professionals Program

Builds a strong core in technical and entrepreneurship

Connect Program

Connects with real investors to launch startups

Acquire business shares and get paid


HCA offers unique growth opportunities

for Students, Professionals, and Startups

Unclear about your professional destiny?

If so,

  • it's time to get out of your comfort zone
  • learn how to discover those things that are holding you back
  • learn how to unclutter your thoughts and remain focused on the task in hand

With us learn how to take a clear path for finding & fulfilling your inner ambitions

Uncluttering your thoughts and focus

HCA aims to help

Educational Institutions

Meet our mentors and coaches

Meet our mentors and coaches

Meet our mentors and coaches

Shahina Waheed, Phd

Founder & CEO - Planet IE

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Coach

Asif Raja

Founder & CEO - Mindmakr

Technical & Life Skills Coach


Get in Touch


Office 9-11, 2nd Floor

Pakland Business Center, I-8 Markaz


Postcode: 44000 - Pakistan

email: info@hca.education

United Kingdom

Hemel Hempstead



United Kingdom

What is HCA?

Hertfordshire Career Accelerator is a UK based initiative,

launched in Pakistan. HCA offers you advanced skills to

excel professionally. Our programs are designed to enhance

your capacity of turning your knowledge, interests and

experiences into realistic and ambitious career goals. If you

are looking to build your career path, through international

exposure and learning to qualify for international job market

or investors support to start your own company then HCA is

the right choice for you.

Why join HCA?

HCA is designed to empower our young generation to become

the future leaders of an increasingly digitalised job market. The UK based initiative helps you to become exemplary professionals in your field of choice and find remarkable opportunities to work with industry leaders.

Our career development team will work closely with you to provide career and emotional coaching to build your soft and professional skills. We connect you with global jobs and the business market through a series of simulated training and workshops designed to accelerate your career. Our corporate network matches your interests with companies with the best internship and career opportunities.

Completing one or more HCA programs will boost all facets of your personality as a professional. It will at least add weight to your profile for employment in the future, but may help you find opportunities to build your own business idea.

What is gained through HCA?

HCA aims to tackle learning, exposure and information gaps and helps you to make your career dreams come true. Our program enables you to build careers of choice with a deeper sense of satisfaction, purpose and ultimately more success.

HCA brings a series of simulated training and workshops conducted in a truly international business environment to make you a part of international business world

Individual / Students

Occasionally we find ourselves stopped or feel inadequate for the challenges ahead. With us you can gain confidence, improve your personal & technical skills. Students can get Final Year Project ideas and industry support with futuristic scope.

Startups / Teams

Our unique learning programs increase your chances of succeeding in all aspect of a startup journey. Gain leverage with the help of our local and international business and technical coaches.




Well trained & skilled staff are the key to many successful businesses. Your trained staff will have Morale, Professionalism, Productivity, Creativity Competency and Authority.

Educational Institutions

For universities & educational institutions, job placement at esteemed companies helps institutions gain recognition. Extend the education towards real-life businesses and situations based training. In this regard, we assist universities in undertaking Final Year Projects with real industry to increase creativity, innovation and professional experience.